The Master's Degree: When to consider taking it, and what to expect..

In response to my last blog post which is the: How to Survive College Life and Grab that Bachelor's Degree.. with flying colours! =), I am linking this new topic to talk about how to finish one's Master's Degree and plan the next step ahead..

Because I know, that as any graduate of bachelor's understands, completing an advanced degree takes a strong commitment of time, focus, energy, and financial resources. Many students on the verge of completing their bachelor’s degrees ask the question,

“Should I continue on with a MA, MBA, or other Master-level program?"

For many, pursuing a Master's Degree immediately following bachelor’s degree serves as a natural next step based upon the professional goals of those students. However, those with other professional aspirations may prefer to postpone the Master degree until after they have gained a substantial amount of work experience in their chosen field—or they may choose not to pursue the Master-level degree at all. Entering an advanced degree program, whether it be Master or Doctoral, is an important decision that should be both carefully weighed and well-informed..

As for me, I took further studies because I wanted to grow professionally, to increase my knowledge base, expand my network and to further shape my business acumen. Actually, I didn't start my Master's Degree studies after my bachelor's graduation, or right away because I had to work and I ensured that I gained enough professional experience from the Corporate/Private Sectors first.

I landed my first job in IBM, then in Royal Cargo Combined Logistics, then in Monde Nissin Corporation, then I was offered a Part-Time Faculty post to teach at the Rizal Technological University - my alma mater. So it's obvious that I had to juggle multiple tasks all at once.. my full time job, my family duties (I mean parents and grandparents because I was single at that time, and I am still single until now lol), my part-time job and my extra hobbies and this tip may be overrated and overused BUT..

Time Management, Planning, and Ability-to-Prioritize are the important skills to possess if you are considering to enter the Graduate School.

Yes, I know the tip sounds too old and "gasgas na" as the Filipinos would say, but these three skills are essential and they actually work. We may have different priorities, interests and hobbies, and we may have different reasons to why we are taking such path or as to why we're taking the leap, or why we're making life-changing decisions.

Also, we all know that in every decisions, it always comes with advantages and disadvantages or consequences, I asked myself the following before I finally decided to take my Masters and you can ask yourself the same:

You may begin determining the pros and cons of seeking a Master's Degree by asking yourself the following questions:

1. Why should I pursue a Master's?
2. When should I pursue a Master's?
3. What current commitments are influencing my decision?
4. What specific program(s) would I consider?
5. How long will it take to complete the MA/MBA program?
6. Am I able to pay for this, and what resources are available?
7. What institution(s) or schools would I want to attend?
8. Can I find a mentor to help me as I navigate through a Master's Degree program?

Questions 1 and 2 are easy, same as questions 4 to 8 as we all have answers readily available to these questions so I would like to emphasize question no. 3. Let's talk about commitments by..

“Determining your READINESS.. yes you want it, but are you ready?"

What commitments are currently impacting your decision to seek a Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Business Administration (MBA)? Taking a Master's Degree is manageable for those who do not need maintain a full time job because they will always have ample time to finish it, but for those who are working full time and are planning to take MA/MBA part time, it is important to consider the commitments you have to your current job or workplace, to your family, and to other close associates before pursuing a Master's Degree. Remember Time Management? You now have to learn how to balance your work, studies, family and hobbies all at the same time, and ALL AT ONCE.

1. How to balance MA/MBA and Office Work:

First, with regard to the workplace, what are the requirements made by your employer that serve to promote professional development? Would you be afforded the ability to stay at your current position while seeking credits toward a Master's Degree on a part-time basis? Is there another feasible compromise that can be agreed upon between you and your employer that will allow for you to actively move toward your career goals? 

These are just a few questions that you may want to ask yourself or address with your current supervisor or manager prior to applying to any programs. Based on my experience, I was lucky because the location or the area where I work is just a few blocks away and near the University of the Philippines - Manila, which is the school I chose to take my Master's Degree from back in 2013. After my 7am-5pm office job, I checked-out of the office at 5:15PM and rush my way to UP to attend my 6:00PM - 9:00PM evening Master's Degree classes. 

2. How to balance MA/MBA and Family:

Commitments to family and other close associates can also be highly influencing factors to consider when deciding to pursue advanced degrees. Your decision to enter the challenging and time-consuming process of attaining a Master's Degree does not typically involve you alone. So ask yourself:

What are your personal goals for life and family? Are you currently in a committed relationship? Do you have children? How will your home life and leisure time be affected by the financial challenges, time, and energy required to focus on your education? 

Discussing how this decision may impact you and those closest to you will be necessary for the well-being and understanding of all involved parties. My mom and I actually had a serious discussion about this when I was still at the planning stage of my Master's Degree journey, because we both know that it's going to be a challenge as I am providing at home, the one doing the errands and was taking care of our family affairs too, but from that choices and priorities, I learned how to use my time well, I learned how to value my time and energy more, and that maintaining a balance is key.

My Master's Degree experience at the University of the Philippines - Manila is not a walk in the park. It was somewhat difficult for two reasons: First, the pressure and expectations from the people around me were lingering, they would always say, wow you're taking your Master's at UP? as if it's a big deal and people would make a fuss about it. And because of that University branding and popularity, it has ripple effects to the program requirements itself too. The subjects are challenging, the exam questions are sometimes out of this world, the practicum and research papers are more than the board exams. But what I like most is that UP, regardless of campus location, will really help you shape your thinking, widen your mindset and will help you learn to love your country more. That's when the hashtag branding finally came out: #UtakAtPuso

Utak at Puso.. Because UP will help you fly higher, but it will also help you keep your feet on the ground. I can link this from my favorite Bible verse:

 James 4:10: "Humble yourselves from the sight of the Lord and He will lift you up."

My Master's Degree Journey in UP is unforgettable for so many reasons.. I met wonderful people like my SuperFriends who I consider permanent people in my life now. And my class buddies, and of course my intelligent and active Professors and Program Coordinators, the people that I will forever cherish. :)

The experience was all worth it, and IT WILL ALWAYS BE WORTH IT. 

James 1:4 


The best way to make it through is to be kind to yourself and others—but not too lenient—and allow time to adjust, then settle in and settle down, and as the saying goes, "Just do it." 

Our 107th Commencement Exercises at the PICC last June 2016

I like what our Honorable UP President said during our 107th Commencement Exercises on June 17, 2016:

"We make a living by what we get, and we make a life by what we give."

- Sir Alfredo Pascual, UP President

Service. Integrity. Generosity. Perseverance. Honor and Excellence. Utak at Puso.

#TatakUP #UPmaroons #MastersDegree


  1. A thoughtful guide on deciding to pursue a master’s degree and what to anticipate. For those holding a bachelor degree in Malay, this blog provides valuable insights into advancing your education and career.
    Read more: bachelor degree in malay

  2. Thanks for sharing the information!
    In Malay, a master's degree is referred to as "Ijazah Sarjana." It represents advanced study and specialization beyond a bachelor's degree.
    Read more: master degree in malay


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