How to Survive College Life and Grab that Bachelor's Degree.. with flying colours! =)

Cogito ergo sum.. Cheers!!!

April, May and June are considered graduation months. I can still remember when I was in high school, I would jump from one extra curricular activities to another because I wasn't so into my academics during my high school years, maybe because nobody takes high school years very seriously as it is the period when almost everybody gets to meet their first loves (I don't know about you, but some already found theirs earlier in life), chase their freedom, discover their talents, likes and dislikes and etc. 

I joined soccer, karate and arnis (it's like fencing, but much like wooden sword lol). It's only during my third year highschool when I started to get serious with my academics. And it was all worth it, I graduated First Honorable Mention at the Fort Bonifacio Highschool in Makati (a.k.a Kuta Bonifacio, the High School just beside the now famous University of Makati). And to give you a glimpse of our high school life, here are the pictures..

Our epic class picture lol :p

First reunion that we held at our friend's house in Taguig, wayback 2007..

Our recent reunion, wayback 2011.. yes this is the most recent, everybody had been busy, so let's see when would be next lol :p

I know this post is supposedly a college graduation story, but of course we have to fill some gaps by starting from an intro. lol. Okay, here we go..

So there, I graduated from High School, yey cheers! But that's only one step of a long staircase and chapters of my stressful life. Yes.. we all know that entering College (and even selecting which College or University to go to) is one of the hardest decisions one could ever make. My first choice is University of Sto. Tomas College of Fine Arts and Design, second is Architecture, third is Business Management. The reason for the first choice? Well, it's because majority of the people I've known from my elementary days had mentioned that I possess a good painter's hands. Probably because I enjoy landscapes, drawings and sketches when I was younger. I was even sent outside the campus to represent our school in a Sketch Competition (per District in ParaƱaque).

But my family told me that I should be wise and that I should think long-term. They told me that I should select a career that could support a "decent" standard of living (I know that sounded so judgemental lol). And we're not even a middle class family, and during that time, only the middle class and the very wealthy have the right to take my first and second choice courses.

So I decided to take up a business course, I know that choice would make my mother and grandmother happy, so I took it. It's a win-win situation, and it's still my third choice anyway. 
I now have the final choice of what Bachelor's Degree to pursue.. so what's next, where? And which school?

I was busy with my summer job and so preoccupied with the family errands that I forgot to process my papers for University enrolment (swear, I am taking my college life seriously lol), I tried Polytechnic University of the Philippines but I didn't make it to the enrolment schedule, there were no more open slots. So I went to De La Salle University, I passed the DLSU entrance exam, but I was endorsed by the Dean to Saint Benilde, to take up "marketing". But the heart wants what it wants, I want a business course, so I didn't proceed.

Then I found my fate in Rizal Technological University (yes.. the Forever True to the Gold and Blue.. char!) Actually, it was my cousin, Rizelle who helped me with the entire enrolment process in RTU, (thank you couz!) as she's also taking Business Management in RTU, and was already at her second year term while I was entering as a freshman. 

So here's the summary of my four (4) years in college lol:

"First Year, everything was purely and seriously academics, exam here, quiz over there, recitation everywhere, but it was fun, and boring. But fun in general, then came my Second Year, which was just a bit of an upgraded version of my first year, with a twist, because I started having crushes. LOL. Third Year, I juggled with my Academics and lots of extra curricular activities and organizations, I was an Academic Scholar, Vice President of the Campus Central Student Council, active member of Alliance of Students for Alternative Politics (ASAP), and officer of Junior of Business Management Society (JBMS), and school representative/ambassador for Management Society National (MANSOC). Then came the final leg --- Fourth Year, where we juggled Academics, Feasibility Studies (Thesis) and On-The-Job Trainee, ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Yes, simultaneously in two semesters.. Lucky are the RTU students of this generation now, the curriculum has already been specialized.."

1. First Year Struggle/Experience:

  • Making friends. Making yourself "belong", and making sense of things are all DIFFICULT. 
    • TIP: Make yourself at home, after all, it's your school now, the fact that you (or your parents) paid for your tuition fees mean that you all have the right to roam around YOUR school. =)
  • Familiarizing yourself with the surroundings.. from the College Departments, to the Campus Offices, to the names of the Dean, Professors, to asking where the COOP or PROMENADE is located etc.
    • TIP: Always be respectful, obedient and studious, NOT all Professors judge students by grades, there are some who judges by character. Stay true, genuine and kind.
  • Perfecting your academic exams.. not only once, not only twice but EVERY TIME, and ALL THE TIME. Especially if you're eyeing for Full Academic Scholarship Grants. (I was determined to get the scholarship, and I'm glad I was a consistent academic scholar from first year to my fourth year.)
    • TIP: Consistency is the key here, and developing healthy and smart studying habits. Learn how to prioritize and organize, and how to eliminate tasks and distractions that don't contribute to your long-term goals.
  • Avoiding all sorts of temptations and vices that seem to sprout everywhere you go, let's admit it, college life is liberating, but it can also be frustrating. You will learn how to drink, smoke and how to party. But the choice is yours to make. 
    • TIP: Knowing where you want to go is the key not to go astray. JUST KEEP YOUR EYES ON THE PRIZE (toga). 
2. Second Year Struggle/Experience:
  • Having campus crushes, classmates and friends will tease you and your initial reaction is so "pabebe" admit it lol =)
    • TIP: Don't get too carried away, crushes are just there to inspire us LOL. Never daydream, always go back to your reality, and always remember that you're in school to study and not to stare or stalk crushes.
  • Whether push a little more or to relax and lay low for awhile..
    • TIP: This is actually the period where everybody gets lazy, maybe because the gaps in curiosity, awareness, and familiarization have all already been filled at the first year level. It will be helpful to explore your inner talents, discover your strengths and develop your skills during this period. It's good to relax, enjoy the company of your friends, and learn how to really live and feel everything for the first time, but NEVER drop your long-term academic goals, always hold it, and hold it tight. Even if you're partying. LOL.

3. Third Year Struggle/Experience:
  • Juggling academics and extra curricular activities and organizations. 
    • TIP: Know the difference between Priority and Urgency, everything can be urgent, and everything may seem rush, BUT.. is it your priority? Things will run smoothly if you know your priorities.
  • Eliminate "time-waster" meetings, and over socializing.
    • TIP: Time is a precious resource, and "lost-ime" will never ever be recovered, so make the most out of it, and use it WISELY.
  • Getting over your friends and classmates' drama.
    • TIP: There will be times that you or your friends will engage in a conflict or drama, let it be, it's part of growing up, and you will learn a lot from the experience, you will learn to forgive, forget and move on.  School is not just for purely academic accomplishments, it's also a place to develop your emotions and hone your overall personality. 

4. Fourth Year Struggle/Experience:

  • Juggling academics, feasibility studies (thesis), and OJT..
    • TIP: This is where your patience will be put to the test, your stress level is at the maximum, and it will feel like your world is going to fall apart, you have so much anxiety and will thought of every possible thing that could go wrong. JUST RELAX. Again, it will end. AND YOU WILL BE OKAY. So keep hustling, keep pushing, keep dreaming.
  • Starting to question everything.. your worries will grow, but so is your happiness. =)
    • TIP: This is the time, the most awaited time, where worries and happiness meet halfway. You will be worried about securing or landing a job after graduation, but you will be happy too, because finally you made it. You earned that hard-earned and well-deserved Bachelor's Degree Diploma.. with flying colours! 

Here are some of my RTU graduation photos:
Note: 2011 was a remarkable year for RTU, it was when ALL colleges had held a One Day Only graduation ceremony, so the program was kinda lengthy, because everyone were to graduate on the same time, same date, one location. ONE RTU.

April 11, 2011 - Graduation Ceremony Held at the Mall of Asia SMX Convention Center

My classmate, Lee-Anne and I

Me in my most haggard look. CHAR.

My lovely mom, who's always been there since day 0, love you ma! :)

And by God's grace, I was able to graduate with flying colours and a recipient of the following awards: 
  • Magna Cumlaude Medal and Certificate
  • Most outstanding student of RTU Boni and Pasig Campus Medal and Certificate
  • Academic Scholar Medal and Certificate
  • Consistent Dean's Lister Certificate
  • Senator Manny Villar Awards for Academic Excellence Medal and Certificate
Thank you po Senator Manny.. Villar :p

Sorry, Bragging Rights lol =)

Our Graduation Program =)

Sorry for boasting, let me brag here for awhile LOL :p

Our RTU Hymn =)

Our RTU Batch Year Book =)

Thank you, Lord!


  1. Excellent tips on thriving in college and achieving a bachelor’s degree with excellence! Managing college life effectively can truly set the stage for a successful academic journey and a standout degree.
    Read more: degree

  2. Great insights! An honours degree signifies a higher level of academic achievement beyond a standard bachelor's degree, often involving advanced coursework and a research project. It reflects a deeper understanding and expertise in the subject.
    Read more: honours degree meaning


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