
Showing posts from 2017

The Master's Degree: When to consider taking it, and what to expect..

In response to my last blog post which is the:  How to Survive College Life and Grab that Bachelor's Degree.. with flying colours! =) , I am linking this new topic to talk about how to finish one's Master's Degree and plan the next step ahead.. Because I know, that as any graduate of bachelor's understands, completing an advanced degree takes a strong commitment of time, focus, energy, and financial resources. Many students on the verge of completing their bachelor’s degrees ask the question, “Should I continue on with a MA, MBA, or other Master-level program?" For many, pursuing a Master's Degree immediately following bachelor’s degree serves as a natural next step based upon the professional goals of those students. However, those with other professional aspirations may prefer to postpone the Master degree until after they have gained a substantial amount of work experience in their chosen field—or they may choose not to pursue the

How to Survive College Life and Grab that Bachelor's Degree.. with flying colours! =)

Cogito ergo sum.. Cheers!!! April, May and June are considered graduation months. I can still remember when I was in high school, I would jump from one extra curricular activities to another because I wasn't so into my academics during my high school years, maybe because nobody takes high school years very seriously as it is the period when almost everybody gets to meet their first loves (I don't know about you, but some already found theirs earlier in life) , chase their freedom, discover their talents, likes and dislikes and etc.  I joined soccer, karate and arnis (it's like fencing, but much like wooden sword lol). It's only during my third year highschool when I started to get serious with my academics. And it was all worth it, I graduated First Honorable Mention at the Fort Bonifacio Highschool in Makat i (a.k.a Kuta Bonifacio, the High School just beside the now famous University of Makati). And to give you a glimpse of our high school life, here are

I never run out of things to think about, my mind is always in overdrive.. So I started blogging.. AGAIN. =)

I started this blog - the blog that will forever remind me that I am uniquely created by God - because I already STOPPED comparing where I am at with where everybody else is. It doesn’t move me farther ahead, improve my situation, or help me find happiness. It just fuels feelings of inadequacy and shame, and ultimately keeps me stuck. The truth is, there is no one correct path in life. A path that’s right for someone else won’t necessarily be a path that’s right for me. And that’s OK. My journey isn’t right or wrong, or good or bad – it’s just different. My life isn’t meant to look exactly like anyone else’s because I am not exactly like anyone else. I am a person with a unique set of goals, obstacles, dreams, and needs. So I realized, it's actually a relief when we stop comparing and start LIVING. I may not always end up where I intend to go, but I will eventually arrive precisely where I NEED to be. I trust God that I am in the right place at the right time, right now. And I tru


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Krizzia Mercado Viernes
ParaƱaque City, National Capital Region, Philippines
Oh hello there, thanks for dropping by, I am not sure why you're here. But maybe there is something that caught your attention. Maybe there's something about the posts that mirrored you, or we share the same struggles, or we have common interests, or maybe have gone through the same unfortunate past or maybe, we're on the same journey. In this blog profile page, you will mostly see personal and professional experiences, my failures and my successes, my travel experiences, my passions, my fascination with all types of food and recipes, my idiosyncrasies, my random hobbies, and those that highlight my areas of expertise.. and I hope you can relate.. =)